Blog listing by tag Spa

Enjoy the Best of Vietnamese local Food

Enjoy the Best of Vietnamese local Food
Another reason to travel to Vietnam is to enjoy the local food and, while many areas have a lot of international cuisine, it is well worth seeking out some of the restaurants serving the fresh and spicy tastes of Vietnamese food.

Discovery The Mekong Delta In One Day

Discovery The Mekong Delta In One Day
The Mekong Delta , the place where the great river splits into trails, paths and waterways, is supposed to be one of Vietnam’s most beautiful attractions. Naturally, you should decide to book a one-day tour from Saigon . You'll...

Eating Banh Khot in Vietnam

Eating Banh Khot in Vietnam
If you love crispy savory pancakes, you’re going to love Vietnamese banh khot! Among the list of endless delicious Vietnamese snacks and light meals, is a little gem called banh khot (bánh khọt)....

Dong Hoi City

Dong Hoi City
Tuesday 27 January 2009 - At 6:30am, a mini bus came to pick me up at my guest house in Lao Bảo town. As I was back in Vietnam via the Lao - Viet border crossing too late the day before, I decided to stay overnight in Lao Bảo border town...